Why batching your chores is the best approach

Why batching your chores is the best approach

A friend asked me this question the other day, and today I wanted to put it to you for a bit of fun - if you could choose between having a full-time cleaner or a full-time chef, which would you choose? Tough choice, right? Both would be pretty amazing, and free up so much extra time in the day!

For me, I think I would like to go with a ‘task-master’ - someone who could handle all the tasks that are part and parcel of running a busy household (I know, I know, I’m cheating…). Be it vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, emptying the bins, mopping, dusting, or one of the never-ending laundry cycles. Or the ‘chef’ side of life, with nightly dinners, preparing lunch-boxes and snacks, or the daily kitchen clean-up. There really is a lot to maintain when you are raising a family and running a household! Which is why I want to talk to you today about a handy little method called 'batching' - it could be a real game-changer in terms of your consistency with all these tasks.

How to be consistent with your organising {Q & A}

How to be consistent with your organising {Q & A}


When life gets really busy, or you're experiencing a change to your normal routine and daily structure, life can sometimes feel a little overwhelming and it can be difficult to stay consistent with your organising. Particularly if you're going through a period of change in your life - a renovation, a move, a new baby, marriage, divorce, a new job, retirement - it can throw your everyday routines and systems into disarray. 

In the second episode of The Organised You Q & A video, I'm answering a question from a viewer who shares her difficulty in staying consistent with new systems that she sets up. I'm sharing some helpful strategies for staying consistent with your organising, including the need to make adjustments when things are not working the way you hoped they would! 

23 ways to be more productive each and every day

23 ways to be more productive each and every day

One of the things most of our struggle with is not having enough time in our day to feel as organised, productive and calm as we'd like to. How can we balance it all? How can we most effectively juggle work, family and home demands? 

In reality, there may not be such thing as having true 'balance' - life is always going to be busy, in some phases more so than others. Whatever your work and family situation, we all have the same amount of hours in the day, it's how we plan and use our time that matters! I've been talking a lot about productivity recently, and today I'm rounding up 23 of the best tips and strategies for creating routines and systems that will encourage you to be as productive as possible each and every day. Let's get into it!

7 simple ways to be a more organised Mum

7 simple ways to be a more organised Mum


In this video, I'm going to share with you my seven top strategies for being a more organised mum. As busy mums, we all wish there could be more hours in the day to get through that endless list of tasks and chores. But being truly productive is about utilizing some simple organisation strategies to use the time you do have more effectively. 

The 7 strategies I'm sharing today are ones that I personally use, and that have made a huge difference in how focused and productive I am throughout the day. I hope that implementing some (or all!) or these into your own day will have the same effect.


How to create routines to help you stay organised

How to create routines to help you stay organised


Last week on the new Q & A segment of The Organised You TV, I talked about the importance of routines and systems in staying on top of your organisation - for your home, your family, and your general peace of mind! Being organised in your day-to-day life not only gives you back valuable time, but can give you greater focus, productivity and efficiency in the other areas of your life. Having some simple routines and systems in place will really allow you maximize your time and focus on those things you really want to spend time on.

Announcing: A new segment of The Organised You TV!

Announcing: A new segment of The Organised You TV!


On a daily basis, I get asked questions about home organisation - be it from my subscribers; those in my Home Balance Facebook community; or friends and family. I love receiving these questions, and respond to each and every one, with an aim to provide detailed and individualized advice and suggestions.

Not that I have all the answers by any means! All I can do is share what does (and doesn't) work for me, and for my clients, when it comes to getting more organised. But I always think it's good to hear someone else's perspective on an issue you're having, and possibly pick up some new ideas that you may not have considered before.