
7 proven essentials for the best family command centre

7 proven essentials for the best family command centre

Can you relate to this situation? You walk through the door from work or school pick-up, and despite the fact that you’re bone-tired and could quite easily slump on the couch with a cuppa and a magazine, instead you’re faced with school bags that need to be unpacked, a pile of mail and bills to wade through, and notices to read (and actually deal with) from kinder and school. Ugh, the last thing you feel like doing, right?

Wouldn’t it be great if you had an organised ‘drop-spot’ where you could quickly deal with these tasks and actually get yourself to said couch with minimal effort? Ummm, yes please!

If you’ve been following the blog over the last few weeks, you KNOW I’m going to tell you that the command centre is your answer. And for good reason! Not only does it give you someone to store and sort paperwork (probably this zone's most important function), but it helps keep you on track with all those tasks and to-do’s that we face every single day. 

Today I’m sharing 7 proven essentials (and a FREE detailed checklist & planner) that will help you create the most functional, practical, and organised command centre. You’ll be totally rocking your home organisation in no time!

A behind-the-scenes look at our sensational command centre

A behind-the-scenes look at our sensational command centre

18 months ago, hubby and I were deep in the 'planning phase' of our renovation. New kitchen, new living areas, new master bedroom - it was all happening, and both exciting and stressful as so many decisions lay before us. 

One thing I was adamant about putting into our plans the entire time was a family command centre. In my last post, I talked about how to recognize if a command centre would be beneficial for you and your family (did you take the quiz? How'd you go?). It really is an essential zone in our home, and I'm excited to show you our new one in today's TV episode.

How to decide if you need a command centre in your home

How to decide if you need a command centre in your home

6 years ago, my son arrived in this world, and I began my new role as a stay-at-home Mum. What an amazing experience! I loved being home full-time with him [most of the time!] and felt extremely blessed to be able to have so much 1-on-1 time with him before returning to part-time work.

Although I was loving life, and felt that I adapted fairly well to our new routines and way of life, one thing that took me quite of bit of getting used to was the fact that I was spending each and every day in my home. Being surrounded by our 'stuff' and constant household chores definitely took some adjusting. And there were certain areas of the home that really began to frustrate me, that I knew I had to do something about, as the mess and clutter was staring me in the face each and every day!

One of those areas was a small section of kitchen bench-top, which had always been used as a 'dumping ground', from the moment we moved into our house. I used to be great at clearing it each day, but a new baby seemed to bring a lot of extra 'stuff' and less time to deal with it all, and this spot quickly became out of control.  

23 ways to be more productive each and every day

23 ways to be more productive each and every day

One of the things most of our struggle with is not having enough time in our day to feel as organised, productive and calm as we'd like to. How can we balance it all? How can we most effectively juggle work, family and home demands? 

In reality, there may not be such thing as having true 'balance' - life is always going to be busy, in some phases more so than others. Whatever your work and family situation, we all have the same amount of hours in the day, it's how we plan and use our time that matters! I've been talking a lot about productivity recently, and today I'm rounding up 23 of the best tips and strategies for creating routines and systems that will encourage you to be as productive as possible each and every day. Let's get into it!

7 simple ways to be a more organised Mum

7 simple ways to be a more organised Mum


In this video, I'm going to share with you my seven top strategies for being a more organised mum. As busy mums, we all wish there could be more hours in the day to get through that endless list of tasks and chores. But being truly productive is about utilizing some simple organisation strategies to use the time you do have more effectively. 

The 7 strategies I'm sharing today are ones that I personally use, and that have made a huge difference in how focused and productive I am throughout the day. I hope that implementing some (or all!) or these into your own day will have the same effect.


Creating a household binder

Creating a household binder

One of my organisational goals for Jan-Feb was to set up a family/household binder. A household binder is a folder which contains important information and relevant documentation for quick and easy access. It can include categories such as food, medical, school info, finance, contact info, travel, cleaning, car, work... Whatever you think will be helpful for you and your family.