Our new master bedroom & ensuite reveal

Our new master bedroom & ensuite reveal

This month is all about showing off the different spaces in our newly renovated house, which is super fun for me to do, and I hope you enjoy coming along for the ride too! It's been awesome for us to start seeing everything really come together around here.

We painted the entire house (both exterior and interior) ourselves, and are still going with the painting in quite a few different areas around the home. This teamed with other tasks we still have to complete, such as building a laundry, landscaping the garden and creating a new command centre, has really made this whole project feel like a massive labour of love! But it's also something that we're both incredibly proud of, and I think it's great for our kids to see how much hard work we're putting in to create our dream home. Now that we're in, they get to help out too which is a lot more fun. So, thus far I've given you a sneak peek at our kitchen and the kids' finished bedrooms. Today I'm excited to be showing you our master bedroom and ensuite. Let's go!

How I set up 2 new bedrooms in just 3 days

How I set up 2 new bedrooms in just 3 days

When we moved into our newly renovated house, after 7 months living with my parents while the build was in progress, one of the first areas I wanted to get organised and ready were the kids' bedrooms. I knew that moving was enough of an upheaval and uncertain time for them, so I really wanted them to feel settled and happy in our new home from the get-go. Today I'm sharing how I set up both their bedrooms - decluttered, organised and decorated - over the course of 3 days...

A sneak peek at our new kitchen!

A sneak peek at our new kitchen!

I'm just a little bit excited today to be giving you a sneak peek at our new kitchen! This video was actually filmed before we moved in, so it's a look at the bare bones of the kitchen layout... and yes, at this stage, there was still a fair bit of mess lying around, and dirty drawers. But I'm still super excited to show this great space off to you all today!

8 Lessons I learned from moving house - the ups, the downs, the REALITY

8 Lessons I learned from moving house - the ups, the downs, the REALITY

Well friends, I'm excited to report that we have finally moved back into our newly renovated home! If you've been following along on our whole renovating journey, you'd know just how much work we've put in to get to this stage, and although we still have a lot of work ahead, it is amazing to officially be back in our home. 

If you've had to move house numerous times or have been through the whole building/renovating process, you would know just how full-on it is - chaotic, fun, messy, stressful, exciting, exhausting, thrilling! It sends you through a real roller-coaster of emotions. Looking back over the whole time, I have to admit there are many things that we could have done more efficiently, that I would do differently if I had my time over. Today, I'm sharing my thoughts on the whole moving process - the ups, the downs, and the reality that might be of some help to those of you planning a move, build or renovation any time soon.

5 easy ways to organise your handbag

5 easy ways to organise your handbag

Is your handbag full of too much 'stuff'?

Can you never find what you're looking for in there?

Do you sometimes find yourself in a situation when you don't have what you need on hand? Your child's nose is running but you don't have any tissues. You're at a parking metre but have no change. You're running late but can't find your keys in your purse. The strap on your favourite dress just broke but you don't have a safety pin. You have to fill out a form or card on the spot but don't have a pen.

Can you relate?

13 unusual but effective storage ideas to organise your home

13 unusual but effective storage ideas to organise your home

If you're searching for the perfect storage solution for a trouble-spot in your home, it might be time to start thinking 'outside the box'. When it comes to finding a cheap but effective storage solution, sometimes the perfect item or product is something you would never have considered for that particular space. Try looking around your home for existing items to repurpose and use as storage elsewhere. It'll save you money and give you the added benefit of organisation! Why not try one of these unusual but effective ideas to get things more organised in your home?